Privacy policy

Harrisco(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) puts protection of customers’ personal information required for use of all services provided by the Company as top priority, and does its best to reassure customers to use the services. Based on the Privacy Policy, the Company notifies customers of usages of their personal information if the information is in use, and of what kinds of protection is in place to guard their information. The Privacy Policy may be revised if some services are additionally added or improved. Please frequently check this website for such changes.

-Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

The Company collects minimum personal information when a customer becomes a member. The information collected by the Company is used only for provision of its services not for any other purpose. In addition, we use the personal information provided by customers to develop better services so that customers get the services that they want.

-What Information Is Collected and How It Is Collected

Prerequisite personal information collected by the Company includes ID, password, name, resident registration number, phone number, address, and email address, and such information is required to ensure that customers enjoy customized services, such as community or customer consultation. The collected personal information is entered online upon becoming a member. The Company has a separate process for customers to select either the [I agree] button or the [I do not agree] button, and a click on the [I agree] button is regarded as consent to collection of personal information.

-How Long Personal Information Is Kept and Used

The Company keeps all information provided by customers as long as they remain a member of the Company and provides services; provided, however, that if a customer makes a request to terminate membership, the customer’s personal information is deleted from storage, and shall not be viewed or used in any way.

-How Personal Information Is Viewed or Revised and How Customers Exercise Right to Withdraw Consent

Customers may view or revise personal information that they provide upon joining at any time or withdraw their consent to the provision of personal information. In order for them to view or revise, first one should log in using ID and password and go to the [Revise Personal Information] menu placed at the top of the website. If a customer wishes to withdraw consent to provision of personal information and delete the information by terminating his/her membership, the customer can go to the [Revise Personal Information] menu and click the [Membership Termination] button. The Company immediately takes necessary action after checking authenticity of membership termination and destroys personal information so that it cannot be used in any way.

-In the Case of Provision of Personal Information, Who Receives What Information and for What Purpose?

the Company does not use personal information of a user for any other purposes, or does not provide personal information to other individuals, companies or organizations. To provide better services, however, the Company may share personal information of customers with partner companies. In this case, the Company shall gain consent from customers after sharing information about who partner companies are, what kind of information is required, and how it is protected and managed, and personal information shall not be shared if customers do not agree, except for a case where the information is provided for calculation of charge, statistical purpose, academic study, or market survey as defined in laws.

-Technical and Administrative Countermeasures for Protection of Personal Information

The Company makes its utmost efforts to safely protect and manage personal information of customers with great care. The Company has put multiple technical and administrative measures in place to guard personal information of customers. Customers’ personal information is thoroughly protected by authorization and passwords, and crucial information is separately protected with additional security functions, such as encryption of files or transmitted data, or the use of a file lock function. Additionally, the latest virus-protection program is in place to prevent personal information from getting violated, and an intrusion prevention system is being used to control unauthorized access from outside. We are also backing up data on a regular basis to prevent personal information from being damaged by a sudden system malfunction and making continuous technical efforts to secure the stability of al of our systems. The Company employs the minimum number of employees for personal-information-related works, and engages in frequent training so as to comply with Privacy Policy. Furthermore, with internal procedures in place to monitor adequate execution of, and compliance with, internal personal information guidelines, the Company immediately takes necessary action of fixing or making improvements in a violation where revealed through monitoring.

-Entrusting of Personal Information

The Company may entrust personal information of users to an external company specializing in handling of personal information for better services. In this case, the Company shall notify users of the fact. In addition, detailed information−which contains service provider’s compliance with instructions given related to protection of personal information, confidentiality of personal information, ban on provision of information to a third party, or shouldering of liabilities in case of an accident−shall be specified and kept in a written or electronic contract.

-Protection of Personal Information of Children Aged Under 14

Children aged under 14 shall not provide their information to other parties. In order for those aged under 14 to become a member, they shall gain consent from a legal representative (a parent or guardian). The Company has an additional process of getting consent from a legal representative if a child under the age of 14 wishes to become a member. A legal representative of a child under the age of 14 may view or revise the child’s personal information, or withdraw consent, and in this case, the Company immediately takes proper action.

-How Personal-information-related Complaint Is Handled and What Customers Should Keep in Mind

The Company values customers’ opinions related to personal information. If you have a complaint or a question regarding personal information, please go to the menu of Customer Consultation Center or call +82-80-222-0909 for free. As soon as your questions or complaints are submitted, we will notify you of the corresponding results. You should keep your ID password private. It is highly recommended that you never let anyone know your password, and that you log out after having finished using the website, especially when using PCs installed in public places (schools, Internet cafes, offices, libraries, etc.) and close the web browser to prevent personal information from being revised or leaked. In addition, you should not use easily predictable passwords (phone number, resident registration number) and should change the password on a regular basis.

If a dispute arises regarding personal information between the Company and customer(s), the two parties may bring the issue to Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee to resolve the dispute in a rapid and effective way.

* Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee

- Phone : +82-2-405-4747

- Fax : +82-2-405-4729

- Website :

-Notification Obligation The current Privacy Policy was enacted on Apr. 1, 2000, and if there is addition, revision, or deletion of some of its contents, triggered by changes of government policies or security technologies, this will be notified through the official announcement section of the website at least 10 days prior to the change.

-Rejection of Unannounced Collection of Email Addresses

Unannounced collection of email addresses posted on this website using an electronic mail collection program or other technical devices is rejected, and anyone who violates this is subject to criminal punishment according to the Act on Information and Communication Network.

[Posted on May 8, 2006]

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