Harrisco: world’s number 1 academic editing company now offers peer-review services
Most journal editors reject a manuscript that has received negative remarks from peer reviewers.
In scholarly communication, it is imperative to ensure the originality and accuracy of scientific content presented in a manuscript.
A research study that has data fudging and flawed results with erroneous experimental methodology always invites the ire of peer reviewers. Journal editors carefully choose peer reviewers who are internationally acclaimed scientists and researchers working at universities, research institutions, laboratories, and hospitals. To help authors overcome anxiety about the peer-review process, Harrisco has started its premium service, Quorum.

Authors can choose up to three peer reviewers for assessing a single manuscript.
These peer reviewers would assess the scientific quality of the document and provide a detailed report that looks into the loopholes of the study. A thorough manuscript assessment by expert peer reviewers helps an author improve the content of the manuscript. A high-quality manuscript is admired by journal editors and the publication time is shortened. In general, the names of peer reviewers are not disclosed to the authors by most international English-language journals.
Peer reviewers are often told the names of authors, and there seems to be a bias against such authors. Harrisco is working hard to remove this bias of reviewers and editors. Through its innovative platform, Quorum, Harrisco now ensures that a scientific review of each manuscript is carried out with utmost integrity and confidentiality. The peer-review service of Harrisco is at the pre-press level, that is, before submitting the manuscript to the journal. All peer reviewers are former and current Chief editors in prestigious journals. (science, technology, medicine and engineering, etc.) They understand the rigorous standards of publication, and the stress that such standards cause for authors who are not native speakers of English.
Quorum is a premium brand of Harrisco, and the peer reviewers have a successful track record of publication in high-impact SCI journals. Because our peer reviewers have subject-matter expertise in a particular field of study, they provide a rational and critical review of the document. Harrisco can offer peer reviews of research articles, theses, dissertations, conference papers, and posters. With this platform, Harrisco’s team strives its best to put forth the efforts of researchers on an international platform. Please peruse our Quorum platform to truly experience the worth of our premium service. A scientific review done with integrity certainly increases the hopes of publication in high-impact journals.