Publication support services of Harrisco
Harrisco, world’s number 1 company in academic editing services, provides publication support services to researchers with limited knowledge of internationally acclaimed English-language journals. A scientifically accurate manuscript may be rejected by a journal if it does not fit within the scope and requirements of the journal. Selecting an appropriate journal can be a challenging task for most researchers, especially when they have limited proficiency in English.
Moreover, a great research paper may also get rejected if it has not been formatted following the rules of the target journal’s style guide. To address all these issues, Harrisco offers publication support services to researchers.

Let’s understand the scope of publication support services in academia. Journal selection, manuscript formatting, figure formatting, and a plagiarism check are the publication support services offered by Harrisco. Some fields of study have thousands of academic journals; so our team of experienced publishing experts review the content of the manuscript and then propose the names of three academic journals that would be most suitable for publication. There are various factors to be considered while selecting the best journal for publication.
Most authors consider only a journal’s impact factor before submission. The impact factor gives an idea of the influence of the journal in the academic community. Publishing in journals with high impact attracts higher research grants and better employment prospects in universities. But a novice author may find it difficult to publish in such high-impact journals.
By availing themselves of our publication support services, these authors can get their manuscripts published in journals that have good readership, many citations per year, and many downloads. Publication time and article-processing fees should also be considered before publishing papers in an academic journal.
Now, let’s move on to the most popular publication support service: the plagiarism check. Harrisco uses CopyKiller software to check the authenticity of academic papers. Plagiarism is a hot topic of discussion, and most journal editors would reject a paper outright on plagiarism issues. To ensure originality of content, all authors have to rewrite the findings of related studies into their own words, but most researchers have such limited knowledge of English that they cannot rewrite in that way. Therefore, the scientific editors of Harrisco rephrase the content that seems to be plagiarized from other related studies.
Originality is the keyword of science communications, and most international journals never tolerate plagiarized papers.
Manuscript formatting and figure formatting are the other popular publication support services.
The global network of Harrisco’s academic editors are well versed in the complex formatting guidelines of journals.
Moreover, they are also familiar with various scientific style guides, such as the AMA Manual of Style, the Chicago Manual of Style, or the APA Manual of Style. These editors can format the title, font size, page layout, footnotes, and reference citations in the manuscript. Scientific illustrators format all complex figures and tables in the manuscript so that they conform with the complex guidelines of the journals. Preparing a manuscript for submission can be a humungous task, and a publication support service eases the pressure on ESL authors.