Publication Support Services | Research Papers, Journals

“One-Click Support Service” for Submission to SCI, A&HCI and SSCI Journals

Harrisco has launched a support program for submission of articles to foreign journals, in order to help researchers and professors who face difficulties in publishing their research abroad. Currently, this service covers submissions to SCI, A&HCI and SSCI journals only, but the range of service will be continuously expanded.

Support in Fields of Humanities, Art, Social Science, and Sports

Harrisco’s support service for submission to foreign journals assists with the successful submission of articles in the fields of humanities, art, social science, and sports to SCI, A&HCI and SSCI journals.

One-Click Support Service for Submission

For this service, Harrisco has established a comprehensive business partnership with world-renowned A&HCI and SSCI journals. Based on the partnership, Harrisco offers “one-click submission supporting service”, where different services of translation, correction, editing, and support for submission are provided in one convenient process.

“One-Click Support Service” for Submission to Foreign Journals

One-stop process from translation and correction to editing and submission

One-stop process from translation and correction to editing and submission

“One-Click Service” Process to Support Submission to Foreign Journals

Operating a system of consultation between clients, the client’s exclusive manager, and editors from the journal in question

Harrisco’s support service for submission or an article to a foreign journal is offered based on the system of active communication between the client, the client’s exclusive manager at Harrisco, and an editor of the relevant journal (SCI, A&HCI, SSCI).
When a client applies for the service, Harrisco appoints a manager to the client, and the manager communicates the client’s needs in close consultation with the journal editor.

Operating a system of consultation between clients, the client’s exclusive manager, and editors from the journal in question

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