Researchers develop a remote-controlled cancer immunotherapy system


An innovative ultrasound system has been developed to destroy genetically controlled processes in live T cells of the immune system. This team of researchers can destroy cancer cells. By developing non-invasive immunotherapeutic strategies, cancer cells can be manipulated and destroyed.

A novel strategy was used to improve the practical applications of mechanogenetics, which is a scientific discipline that improves the expression of genetics and activity of cells. T cells were mechanically destroyed by ultrasound. To genetically control cells, mechanical signals were used.

This experimental study establishes how mechanogenetics system is remote controlled and T cells are manipulated by chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). Cancer cells can be targeted and killed with this innovative approach. Researchers have modified CAR-T cells with mechano-sensors, genetically transducing modules.

This innovative approach was termed as therapy of CAR-T cells, which provided a paradigm shift for the treatment of cancer. Life-threatening complications develop when CAR-T cells are non-specifically targeted. The precision and the accuracy of CAR-T cell specific immunotherapy was improved in an unprecedented manner.

This innovative immunotherapy was used to target solid tumors. At the same time, off-tumor activities were minimized. Microbubbles were combined with streptavidin and they were attached to cell surface. Mechanical vibration and the stimulation of Piezo1 ion specific channels was performed by microbubbles when they were exposed to waves of ultrasound.

This led to the entry of calcium ions into the cell, triggering the following downstream pathways: the activation of calcineurin, the dephoshorylation of NFAT and the translocation into the nucleus. With recognition and destruction of targeted cancer cells, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) was used to initiate the expression of genes.




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